Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Orgasmic much!

the porn starrrrrr er..This is Miss Sophia Makota, her signature pose-MISHERRU HERE's HER PICCCC!


lolness. Sophia if you're reading this dont kill me k. xD

lovely orgasmic face u have there.

*cabut lari*


Another THANK YOU to Mel + Mish :D

mucho kissies.

here's the other pics from today!

This is Mel, elegant in her own way, loves the word EXOTIC and curly worlies :D


Christina, recently got to know her. Sweet girl, very soft..first time she spoke to me i had to ask her to repeat it 2/3 times..>.<~ sorry! The horny woman sexy chicca with blood red nails! Misherru~ *grin*

after packaging class went over to pyramid and nearby places to snap more piccies form y project, then got our armpits sweatyyy...tsk tsk no air flow during the day..and at night sometimes also dman chat hot even if you got aircond on or a hi-speed fan. -_-

my room macam oven..and im the turkey. *sobs*

now also damn fruiting hot. haiyuhs!

im off lah. dont know what else to blog about. time to go layan figures and hunt for greeting cards.

ps: GONG XI FA CAI in advance!!


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